Monday, February 16, 2009

Cool sites

I can't vouch for this first site as I've never ordered from them, but I do like the neat gadgets that they seem to stock - is another cool site that many people have ordered from without any issues. Again, I haven't, but I have heard from reputable people (including national radio hosts) say that prices and service are great here.

Happy shopping!

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Monday, February 09, 2009

Food Lust - Limon

Gotta ask. What is it with food makers lately and their fix on "limon" flavored foods lately? Did they just read the statistics that Mexican-Americans are one of the fastest growing "minorities"? Trying to "expand their audience?" or any other marketing-type line?

There's beer with a lime twist. There's Cheetos with lime and potato chips with lime. Not so great actually.

The only one that works is corn chips with lime - Tostitos! If you need some spice, add some Tatpatio hot sauce, and you're in business.

Photo credit: Daedalus42.
Photo modified and available for use via Creative Commons license

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