Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Dorito's flavor - spicy sweet

Man, am I late to the game. Heard about this? Some bogus "Hot or Not" clone website. And a rating from Phoood.

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"Just gimme that thong..." Ouch!

Hear about this..? A woman (traffic officer, no less!) is suing Victoria's Secret because her eye was "injured" due to a thong!

Photo from fred.v1 with this license.

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Thursday, June 12, 2008

Hard to find electronic adaptors -

Travel a lot? Lose things like adaptors? Found this site the other day -
They've got some interesting adaptors. If you don't have a visit to Taiwan or Akihabara in your plans, this might be a good place to go.

And for regular cables like HDMI, looks to be a good bet. Never shopped there, but they have a great rating over at

Good luck in your search!

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Sunday, June 08, 2008

In memory of...

In memory of the victims of the crazed killer in Akiba yesterday...

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Sarah Jessica Parker says, "Nee!"

I'm sorry, this is just too funny not to share. Sarah Jessica Parker Looks Like A Horse -

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