Tasty bits to get rid of that turkey aftertaste

Sharp just announced Papyrus, a color dictionary that has "WanSeg" capability (click here for info on WanSeg).
Now, an electronic dictionary is something used often to look up kanji,
Lust rating = meh (need to live in Japan to enjoy WanSeg functionality)

TurboLinux Japan announced their "Wizpy." It's a MP3 player powered by Linux! It also includes FM radio reception, video playing (DivX!), OGG/AAC compatibility, and, like a U3 drive
I've gotta say, the marketing includes 「パソコンとして」(as a Computer). It's a lil misleading as it cannot be used as a computer per se. Ahh well, no need to gripe. :)
Lust rating = have to wait and see. Doesn't come out till Feb, 2007 according to the site
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