GPS logger

When you travel to a different country, especially one that you've never been before, don't you want to gather all the data you can?
Before going, you want to know about places to visit, food to eat, things to do. While you're there, you photograph every little detail that seems mundane to the people living there, but not to you. You also want to try out the "specialties" of food. And you also want to log your GPS coordinates so you know where you've been.
You know, it's all the rage now to take photos and tag them with the GPS coordinates of where the photo was taken. The biggest project that did this was "Friendly Planet's BHUTAN" book. You can read about it here and here. Every photo was tagged with GPS data.

Of course, unless you are a Geocacher, you probably don't have a portable GPS unit lying around. Along comes the "TrackStick GPS data logger."

It looks like this thing will fit in the palm of your hand. Think of it, taking photos, and then click, grab the GPS coords. All that juicy data waiting to be exploited when you get home! Methinks this to be a good stocking stuffer.
Lust rating = want it
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